
Friday, November 7, 2008


‘Mayur’ is a Sanskrit word and it means peacock. Thus, mayurasana is a posture which assumes the shape of peacock during the asana. In this posture one has to hold his whole body on like a stick on both his elbows. It is also known as peacock feather pose and bent arm balance.

Steps of performance

Sit on the both of your upper scales and place your knees on the ground. Now, stretch your fingers on your hands and place your palms on the ground. At that time fingers will remain stretched and pointing backward. Now, place your elbows on either side of navel and do the whole process gently. Slowly and gradually stretch the both legs together and come little forward comfortably. Now, raise the upper part of your body. After raising upper part of your body, straightens your legs like a stick and also it should keep horizontally. Keep straight your neck, chest and also head. Hold the position for few minutes. Return to original starting position with slowly folding your legs and placing the knees on the ground. Now, raise your hands from ground and sit comfortably on the soles.

Benefits of mayurasana

Mayurasana is the best exercise to awakening the Kundalini Shakti. This is an effective method for weakness of semen. It is also useful for congestion of vagina and also makes semen thick. It is also helpful for those women who have menstrual disorders. Mayurasana counters food poisoning. If one having problems with lower abdomen, it provides relief then.

Mayurasana is a good exercise for liver as well as pancreas. It is very helpful for diabetic patients also. It is best asana for strengthen arms, shoulders, abdomen and back. Mayurasana is helpful to improve balance. It develops the chest. This exercise has good effect on the expelling action of the colon. It is beneficial for obesity, constipation and piles.

Mayurasana is very regenerative and also quite stimulating. This asana is very effective for digestive organs. In this posture blood is concentrated and sent to the digestive organs and which is toned up by the intra-abdominal pressure.
The asana stimulates and enhances the pranic flow to the pericardium meridians.
This asana is a very good measure against visceroptosis and dyspepsia. After few months practice of this posture, it provides total orgasm at the time of intercourse. Mayurasana is very beneficial to cure many illnesses. It is helpful to calm the brain and helps relieving stress and mild depression.

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