
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weight loss with Yoga

Weight loss with Yoga is possible but also involves eating a balanced diet and performing some postured based exercises. There are cases where obese individuals have lost weight while performing Yoga, but the primary requirement is dedication. If one simply performs Yoga without a change in lifestyle, you will be greatly disappointed.

O It reduces weight in a lasting and permanent way without causing any side effect to health, beauty and physical or mental condition. O It doesn't cost to correct obesity. There is no disturbance to your normal life or a possibility of regaining the same weight even if yoga practice is discontinued.

Yoga's balanced and multi-dimensional approach to health and wellbeing, ensures that the weight loss is not just rapid, but is also natural and safe. One should always begin with warming up the body including a bit of stretching and relaxation exercises. If you lie on the floor with arms at the sides and with legs slightly apart, it is a good start.

The holistic and energy oriented Pranayama combines using the BODY, BREATH and MIND to help you lose weight and attain your ideal body. Ayama means the control of the Prana, which signifies life or breath which indeed is the key to life.

Everyone has to breathe to live. Breathing is a physical action that allows one to absorb oxygen from the air. The process also allows you to remove the excess carbon dioxide. In yoga, breathing is a vital part of the process. One should start to practice breathing in from the nose and not from the mouth. While breathing is usually accomplished with the use of chest muscles, one can also take deep breaths using the abdominal muscles. The abdomen can pull down on the diaphragm and this will ensure a deeper breath and ensure more oxygen. This movement also helps with the function of the intestine and process of food absorption.

The middle part of the chest (thorax): Put the hands on either side of the ribs. Inhale slowly inflating the sides thoroughly, then exhale and repeat several times. The process purifies blood, improves circulation and calms the heart. The upper part of the chest or collar bones (clavicle): Put hands on each side of clavicle. Contract the stomach slightly. Inhale slowly pushing the clavicle upwards, then begin to exhale pushing it downwards. Repeat several times. The process cleans and fortifies the upper chest.

Meditation is the ability to develop a stable posture and then allow the mind to concentrate. The process allows one to control the body. People, who meditate for years, have great ability to control various bodily functions like blood flow, breathing, and calming of the nerves. There are many postures for meditation. The simplest is to the Padmasana. Here you place the right foot on the left thigh and then the left foot on the right thigh. The hands should be placed on the knees. With the body straight and rigid, one should start the breathing exercises.

Rules to practice Pranayama or Yoga O Start practice not before the age of eight to ten years. O Yoga exercise is equally useful for both sexes: male and female. O Always practice in a peaceful, calm, noiseless and airy environment. O Wear clothes which are sufficient to protect the body. O Avoid wearing tight clothes.

Yoga should be done on empty stomach. Therefore eat at least 2-3 hrs before your practice. Children under the age of 12 years should be guided by an Instructor. Normal breathing should be maintained while performing yoga postures.

Prior to beginning any Yoga classes, it is important that one warm up. This means stretching the muscles of the hands and legs. While any form of stretching exercise can be done to warm up the body, one can also for briskly for 10-15 minutes to get the same result. Once the Yoga classes are complete, it is important to rest and let the body cool down. Most people will feel relaxed, agile and calm after a yoga exercise. Some describe the feeling as flying in space. Individuals who are obese or over weight should not risk jogging for fear of causing joint injury or falls. Some exercises like weight lifting can also lead to excessive damage of the joints.

O Cool down after exercising a session with slow and gentle stretches. O Consult a doctor or a yoga teacher before embarking on any yogic exercise program, especially when you are above 45 years of age, pregnant, have a personal or family history of high blood pressure or heart problem. Too much and too fast yogic practice does not provide instant results; these simply lead to injuries, aches and pains.

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